Module Three: Form 7

Module Three: Designing for Assessment

This form is an exercise following up on Form 6.2 as a tool to assess student learning.

Form 7: Learning Process

Do this for one module (2-4 competencies).  Each competency or objective should be addressed.

Course Name:  Customer Service
Module Name:  1. Course Introduction
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Competency (and possible major point): 1. Define customer service
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How will I know if a student knows this? Student is able to articulate in writing and orally.

Best ways for a student to learn this:

Experiences: Personal and professional customer service encounters
People to see: Customers, anyone providing a service
Place to go (may be virtual): Student services, work, grocery store, bank
Thing to read: Anything related to customer service
Thing to talk about: Positive customer service experiences
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Course Name: Customer Service
Module Name: 1. Course Introduction
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Competency (and possible major point): 3. Articulate good customer service experiences
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How will I know if a student knows this? Class presentation of experience is positive and based on a personal experience.

Best ways for a student to learn this: Increased awareness of customer service – given and received

Experiences: Personal customer service encounters
People to see: Anyone who provides a service
Place to go (may be virtual): Anywhere you are the customer
Thing to read: Anything related to customer service
Thing to talk about: Positive experience as a customer
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Course Name: Customer Service
Module Name: 1. Course Introduction
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Competency (and possible major point): 2. Articulate the relationship between customer service and quality improvement

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How will I know if a student knows this? Concise definitions of each application are exhibited

Best ways for a student to learn this: Group project encompassing various experiences and views

Experiences: Formal education, life experience
People to see: Quality experts, customer service representatives
Place to go (may be virtual): Toyota, Disney, educational institution
Thing to read: Deming’s writings, anything linking customer service to quality in a company
Thing to talk about: Personal experiences and formal trainings, importance of tying quality to customer service

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