This form is used as an exercise in developing a learning guide.
Form 9: Learning Guide
Module Name: Course Introduction
Course Name: Customer Service
Learning Goals/Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
· Write a definition of customer service
· Articulate the relationship between customer service and quality improvement
· Define improvement techniques to provide good customer service
Learning Resources
Required Resources
· Textbook - Customer Service: Skills for Success. 4th edition. Robert W. Lucas
· Video FISH!
· Internet article of student’s choice
Additional Resources
· Any articles, papers, reports, or books on customer service
Learning Activities
Activities for This Lesson
· Write a clear definition of customer service
· Group presentation on the relationship between customer service and quality improvement
· Write an article review on improvement techniques for good customer service
Discussion Questions
· Focus on definition of customer service and improvement techniques
Check your understanding
· Can you write a definition of customer service?
· Can you create a present the relationship between customer service and quality improvement?
· Can you research an article on customer service improvement and write a review?
Lesson Evaluation: Graded Assessments
· Group presentation
· Article review
Module Name: Customer Service vs. Quality improvement
Course Name: Customer Service
Learning Goals/Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
· Summarize differences in customer service and quality improvement training
· Align the connection between customer service and quality improvement
· Explain customer service techniques
Learning Resources
Required Resources
· Textbook, Customer Service: Skills for Success. 4th edition. Robert W. Lucas
Additional Resources
· Any articles, papers, reports, or books on customer service
Learning Activities
Activities for This Lesson
· Create a graphic or chart summarizing the differences and aligning the connections in customer service and quality improvement training
· Group presentation on quality improvement techniques
Discussion Questions
· Explain and provide examples of the differences and connections between customer service and quality improvement
Check your understanding
· Can you define the differences and connections between customer service and quality improvement?
· Can you create a group presentation using graphics to support your knowledge?
Lesson Evaluation: Graded Assessments
· Graphic created demonstrating differences and connections between customer service and quality improvement
· Group presentation incorporating discussion and graphics
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